JARM Dashboard

Dashboard Library My Body Myself Lost in South OZ

Card One

A Bit About Me, 2023

This is my space. Libraries are my thing; the place I feel happiest and safest. They also contain more than just books. Mine contains those, plus magazines, anatomy models, and a mannequin.
I'm too old to keep caring what other's think. So here goes - I'm Pagan - and love (and even serve sometimes...) the God (Deity) of the Bible (they keep showing they love me too; why, I don't know). Related to that, I identify as a Witch; for various reasons. I am also a transgender woman, a T-Girl, Trans. I deal with depression and PTSD, and probably Autism. I have completed two undergraduate degrees but didn't proceed further for various reasons; meaning I have half an idea about how to think. Spent twenty-five years working with trains around Sydney, NSW; did everything but derail or crash a train. I also identify as an ABDL - Adult Baby / Diaper Lover - meaning that wearing diapers feels good; and I'd use pacifiers and a crib if that was practicable. Additionally, I tend to be an introvert and a night-owl (evening chronotype). My home is shared with two dogs, a rat, six chooks, a drake and two ducks.

20th Dec 2023 note - the rat died recently, and the six chooks went to a new owner. The drake and ducks now run the backyard.

This website is essentially my playground. If you want spit and polish - go elsewhere. It is hand-coded by JARM (me) although often beginning with templates and other information from w3schools - thank you.

If any or all of this is hard to handle, then try another website. Also, I don't require the services of web-design companies or religious fundamentalists (of any religion), or graduates of theological colleges.

Card Two

Apr 12, 2024

Most of last week spent in hospital. Outcome - probable Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis. So, something else to add to the previous card (Card One). What is certain is my feelings about this definitely come from an intersection (intersectionality for those who know the idea) of MS with the descriptions in Card One.

Oct 5, 2024

I think a lot about identity, not only mine but other people's. Identity is a multi-layered phenomenon, growing out of a combination of what our social environment tells us we are (or what they want us to be), and who we see ourselves to be. These layers are largely independent of each other but also intersect. Identity layers also have varying amounts of choice associated with them.

I believe in talking about our identity and its layers because this encourages, ultimately, understanding of each other, and care. Understanding each other is not a question of like, agree, or any other value judgement. Identity just is.

Among other layers, I identify as AB/DL. That stands for Adult Baby / Diaper Lover. Firstly, I'm an Adult, and do the adult stuff that goes with that - pay the bills, look after my health a bit, look after the house and its chores (love that word!), read adult-age group books, etc. Secondly, I'm an Adult who also enjoys things associated more typically with a Baby - drinking from a baby bottle or sippy cup, using toddler "first" cutlery, wearing onesies (adult-sized though), reading children's books, and of course wearing diapers / nappies. That leads to the DL part - Diaper Lover. Some people identify just as DL - it's all about nappies / diapers and "using them". I enjoy wearing nappies / diapers 24/7, and often wet them. "Messing" them is more cleanup than I want to think about but some people enjoy that. Cool. So, I enjoy the diaper / nappy wearing, and other things more usually associated with babies / toddlers. Why? It's not incontinence, although some AB/DL's are. For me it's about pleasure. Something about having this AB/DL identity layer is enjoyable, and intersects with the adult layer to make life happen better for me. That's why I chose being AB/DL as an identity layer, rather than just an occassional interest. Being adult - good, being AB/DL - good, both together - better. That's how I experience being an AB/DL.

I happen to see a therapist for help with long-term depression, PTSD, and other adult stuff. The above is what I've recently described to them. I wasn't asking them to explain or approve. It just is for me and I felt they needed to know as part of understanding and looking after me. However, my therapist indicated that what I said made sense. That's not a psychological explanation or recommendation, just acknowledgement that what I said made sense within my world. As it happens, being AB/DL seems to also make sense for many other people around the world. You may not understand, or even want to, but it just is for some people.

Card Three

"Strip Maps"
Curtis Road
A20 Main North Road
Gawler By-Pass
A20 Sturt Highway
Blanchetown: 103km, 1hr, 10mins
(B201 Old Sturt Hwy: Berri: 205km, 2hr, 16mins)
Yamba Quarantine Station
SA/Vic border: 247km, 2hrs, 45mins
Vic/NSW border
Buronga: 367km, 4hrs, 5mins, Shell Petrol Station / Ella's Diner
Balranald: 521km, 5hrs, 43mins
Curtis Road
A20 Main North Road
Gawler By-Pass
B82 Horrocks Hwy / Main North Rd
[Gilbert Town - memorial monument]
A32 Barrier Hwy
Mount Bryan
Terowie: 187km, 2hr 10mins
Oodla Wirra: Quarantine Station
[Winnininnie railway station]
Manna Hill
SA/NSW border
Broken Hill: 477km, 5hrs 10mins
Curtis Road
Angle Vale Road
A1 / Port Wakefield Highway / Princes Highway
(Two Wells)
Port Wakefield: 79km, 53mins

About Me


Wrote about me in "Card One" in the left column. Probably will add a photo later. My identity is important to me for it is the only aspect of life I have any real control over. The only aspect that I can define, even with minimal space for expression. The only aspect of my life that brings a smile.

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